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Raise Online
Raise understands the importance of social media and have several online support groups all within Facebook as this is where most people that come to sessions are.

Raise community is a group to encourage, empower and give low level support to those who either follow the page or attend one of our groups.
Carol cannot take any responsibility for the wellbeing or mental health of any of those who join the group but will signpost to other organisations where possible.

This is a group to support and encourage Christian Biz Women. The purpose is to bring like minded women together to share challenges and wisdom in a safe space.
I aim to do two things:
- Raise Christian biz women up to be all that God has called them to be as an individual, in their family and in the business world.
- Raise the arms of ladies that are struggling with particular issues around their businesses that are stopping them from flowing in their anointing and gifting as Aaron did for Moses.